Corporate Management


Backed with a family legacy encompassing 30 plus years’ building experience, Brand Eigen has been influenced by commercial construction all his life.

A native of New York, Brand attended the University of Southern California where he earned his degree in Business Administration. Majoring in Investments and Real Estate Finance, he maintained a 3.65 grade point average exhibiting the discipline he still practices daily.

Immediately upon graduation, nationally renowned Kenneth Leventhal & Company (Los Angeles) hired him as a Consultant. Just a few of his major accomplishments at Leventhal were: Designing a financial computer system to analyze a $2.8 billion dollar real estate loan portfolio; conducting a market feasibility study to evaluate a $40 million dollar “power center” development; and evaluating a large pension fund’s internal appraisal process to maximize efficiency and assure proper evaluation reporting. He also performed sensitivity analyses on projects to assist clients in workout negotiations with lenders; and he studied various markets to forecast property cash flows for asset valuation.

Brand embodies all the qualities necessary for his many roles while at American Construction Corporation as: President, Project Manager, Chief Financial Officer and Estimator. Keenly competitive, Brand is a natural at identifying strengths and maximizing the talents of American’s key personnel to better serve American Construction Corporation and its clientele. Much of American Construction Corporation’s success was a result of Brand’s strategic marketing expertise. He represents a new and creative generation with his innovative foresight and approach to expanding the company’s horizons. As an active and hands-on participant in the Asian Hotel Owners of America organization, Brand, as president of American Construction Hotel Corporation, is dedicated to ensuring that American Construction Hotel Corporation is synonymous with premier hotel builder for quality construction.

Brand is diligent in his daily interactions with hotel owners — past, present and potential, to ensure that American Construction Hotel Corporation continues to be productive and profitable. He utilizes his financial expertise and foresight by constantly seeking new ways to positively impact operations.

From start to completion, Brand is committed to creating a higher standard to guarantee all American Construction Hotel Corporation’s projects not only meet, but exceed, the Owner’s expectations.